This week I'm saying good bye to Pucòn. I'm being transferred to Punta Arenas which is the most southern city on our mission... Sad but excited for the new experience..
Monday, June 29, 2015
Chile - Pucòn - Week 30- From Pucòn to Punta Arenas...
This week I'm saying good bye to Pucòn. I'm being transferred to Punta Arenas which is the most southern city on our mission... Sad but excited for the new experience..
Monday, June 22, 2015
Chile - Pucòn - Week 29 - No letter this week..
Transfers are next week. We'll find out on Monday whether I get transferred or not. I've been here for quite some time already. Ready for new adventures.
we had to walk about an hour to get there! It was super fun though! |
Made our way to a waterfall today! on the way I found the sacred grove.. it's FINE....#youmustbeamissionary.....#quehermosalamañana |
Monday, June 15, 2015
Chile - Pucòn - Week 28 - Let it snow..
Ohhhhhh... it is so cold here!! There is snow in the mountains and its rainy everyday where we are! Cold cold cold cold!
But this week was good! Especially yesterday at church! Our investigator Maria came and loved it! Pilar, our less active member came with her new baby, which is a miracle! Her story is so sad. She has been through the temple and everything, but just made a few poor decisions that affected her life big time. Now we are just trying to help her get back on the right road. She stayed all 3 hours of church and shared her testimony and gave the closing prayer in Relief Society! I am so excited for her! Hopefully we will be able to help her.
Other than that things are the same! Everyone is progressing really well and we are looking forward to some changes here in our branch to help things progress even further! We´ll see what this next week brings!
Hermana Segura
#chelfi I got my hur did! It doesn´t look like much, but it was a solid 2-3 inches! |
I got attacked by a dog and it ate my skirt... I'm sick of dogs. |
We found harry potter scarfs in Villarica so our whole district bought one! We look legit! We went to a members house yesterday and she had this robe! |
this is how we teach when we have lessons with jessica and damian... not really but these hats are hilarious |
Jesica y Damian´s son turned 1 on wednesday so we had a party! It was fun! (notice how giant I am compared to most chileans...all chileans...) |
We roast marshmallows with our heater.. =) my comp had never tried roasted mallows! |
It is so cold here !!! |
Monday, June 8, 2015
Chile - Pucòn - Week 27 - Sometimes He lets it rain..
Holy Hannah,
I have never seen so much rain in my life. It has been raining everyday non stop for the last week. But aside from the rain, this week was pretty good!
Everyone is progressing really well! Jesica and Damian and their family are studying the scriptures every night together which is like huge for them. Jesica`s son Brandon is seriously a miracle. He is reading the Book of Mormon on his own along with all the pamphlets. The other day we taught them about family history and gave them a My Family pamphlet to fill out with info about their ancestors to help them get started. Yesterday we went to teach them again and Brandon said that he had already started filling it out and that he went to his grandmas house to talk to her and get more info about is great grandparents........WHAT? Is this even real? I have no idea, but it's incredible.
All of them are progressing so well.
Yesterday was fast and testimony meeting and our investigator (practically member) Magali got up and shared her testimony! It was so awesome. One of the coolest experiences I`ve had here. She is so amazing.
Maria is also doing well. She understands everything and is keeping her commitments so thats good! The other day we had a lesson with her and decided to sing a hymn together. We sang "Nearer My God To Thee" and it made her cry. Love the spirit that the hymns bring!
Friday we had an experience in the rain......We left the house at 3:00 as usual and by 3:15 I was soaking wet, boots and all. I have never seen it rain so hard in all my life, let alone been in the middle of it all. I didn´t know what else to do but laugh! My comp and I just stood there and laughed! A few minutes later it stopped a little, so we kept on walking. I was soaking wet, freezing cold, but I realized I was smiling. I thought to myself "this is awful, I am soaking wet, cold, we have to walk for hours everyday, my feet hurt, my legs hurt, my makeup is running down my face, there is no one to talk to on the street and I'm pretty sure no one would want to talk to us right now, this is hard.....why am I smiling?" It's the gospel. The gospel is the source of true happiness. Sharing the gospel has brought me more happiness than I could ever imagine, but it's a different kind of happy, it's a happy that comes from the inside, not from something outside that the world can provide. It's awesome!
I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to share the source of true happiness!
Hermana Segura
Monday, June 1, 2015
Chile - Pucòn - Week 26 - God has a reason for everything.
Oh my goodness ! This week was probably one of the coolest weeks of the mission so far!
Monday we went to the house of Jessica and Damian to see how her sister Marlen like church on Sunday! She said she really liked it! We also went with the purpose of asking her son Mayco if he still wanted to keep learnig about the church and preparing to be baptized with Jesica and Damian. He said yes! Brandon, Jesicas other son was there as well. When I first started here, he didn`t really want anything to do with us. We would invite him to listen and he always said no, so we just kinda left him alone.
A few months ago he was there for one of our lessons and he listened and even participated a little, which was huge. Since then hes shown a little more interest here and there. After we asked Myco if he wanted to keep preparing, I asked Brandon if he would like to start taking the lessons. He said yes! While I was on a role, I asked Marlen if she would like to take the lessons along with her friend that Jesica told us about last Sunday. She said yes! We arranged a schedule where we could come and teach Marlen and her friend before work, and then come back later in the night to teach Brandon and Myco after school! We were there almost everyday this week teaching one of them! It was awesome!
Our first lesson with Marlen and her friend Juan Carlos we invited them to be baptized and they accepted! The next day we went and taught Brandon and Myco, invited them to be baptized and they also accepted!! We left them all with a Book of Mormon and invited them to read and pray.
A few days later we went back to see how things were going and Brandon told us that he had read and shared with us what he had learned! Before, I hardly ever heard a word come out of that kids mouth, and he wouldn`t even read a scripture with us.
Now he is reading the Book of Mormon on his own and sharing with us what he learned! Mayco also read on his own and shared with us what he learned! Seriously so much progress in the last week with those two boys I can hardly believe it.
Marlen and her friend are also progressing super well! I have no idea where her friend came from, but he is great! He understands everything really well and even went on the church's website to learn more for himself!
I now know why we have had to wait so long for Jessica and Damian to get baptized. We had to wait for their family! I am so grateful for the chance I have to help them all progress together! Damian thanked us yesterday for all that we have done for their family. He said the they are already recieving so many blessing from the gospel! This is why I am a missionary!
Hermana Segura
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